Terms of service


MissionJapanese Service Terms of Use and Learning Content Terms of Use

“MissionJapanese Service Terms of Service” defines the terms and conditions for using the “Service” provided in Article 1 provided by Akademia Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Akademia”). If the “student” specified in Article 1 does not agree to all of the following terms and conditions, this service cannot be used. In addition, if a learner uses this service, it will be considered that he / she has agreed to this agreement.

“Learning Content Terms of Use” defines the terms and conditions for using the “Contents” provided by Akademia, as defined in Article 1. If the learner specified in Article 1 does not agree to all of the following terms of use, this content cannot be used. In addition, if a learner uses this content, it will be considered that he / she has agreed to this agreement.

[Chapter 1 General]

Article 1 (Definition of terms)
1. In this agreement, each term is defined as follows.
(1) “Service”: A platform service named “MissionJapanese” that provides Japanese language learning services on the Internet, which Akademia grants licenses to learners based on these Terms.
(2) “Content”: A Japanese language learning content named “MissionJapanese” that runs on the MissionJapanese platform and is licensed to learners by Akademia.
(3) “Learners”: Individuals of learners who have agreed to these terms and who have registered as users of this service to learn Japanese. “Learner” means an individual who has the unique login name (e-mail address) registered with the Service in association with the “MissionJapanese” content with the “Register User” function of the Service. . Sharing an individual login name with multiple persons is prohibited.

Article 2 (Application and Change of Terms of Use)
1. These Terms shall apply to all relations between the Learner and Akademia regarding the Service and Content.
2. Akademia may amend this agreement from time to time, and in such case, the terms of use of the learner and other contents of this agreement shall apply to the revised agreement. When this agreement is changed, the learner shall be notified of the change by the notification method stipulated in Article 23. After the notification of the change, the learner will learn The person is deemed to have agreed to the change of this agreement.

[Chapter 2 Usage Details]

Article 3 (Contents of use)
1. Learners can use the Japanese language learning using the “MissionJapanese content” (this content) on the Internet during the period of use of this service, using the MissionJapanese platform service (this service). will do.
2. Akademia shall maintain and operate the Service and the Content with the care of a good administrator, and the learner will receive the Content within the scope of the following conditions during the use period of the Service. You grant a non-transferable non-exclusive right to use for the purposes and methods described in these Terms. When acquiring personal information from learners in providing this service and this content, we shall endeavor to manage it appropriately in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” separately defined.
3. When using this service, learners shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 (Learners' Responsibilities) and other obligations set forth in these Terms.

Article 4 (Matters not included in this service)
1. Matters that fall under the following items are not included in this service and are handled at the discretion and responsibility of the learner, and Akademia assumes no responsibility.
(1) Computer equipment, communication equipment, communication lines, and other network equipment other than this system required to use this service.
(2) Interruption of this service due to the following reasons, recovery from failures
<1> Interruption / failure caused by the previous device / equipment or content
<2> Discontinuation or disability due to inappropriate use by the learner or other reasons attributable to the learner
<3> Inappropriate use of learners due to the intention or negligence of a third party
<4> Disruptions / disabilities caused by reasons that cannot be attributed to the responsibility of learners such as blackouts, fires, earthquakes, labor disputes, and academia
(3) In addition to the previous (2), matters that are not clearly stated as the responsibility of Akademia in this agreement

Article 5 (Abolition of service or content)
1. Akademia may discontinue the Service or Content for convenience.
2. If the Service or Content is to be abolished, it shall be notified to that effect by the method prescribed in Article 23 (Notification) one month before the abolition.

Article 6 (Changes in the contents of this service)
1. Akademia may change the specifications of the system, the contents of the service, the contents of the contents, and the service contents such as usage charges at any time.
2. Akademia may or may not notify learners when changing the contents of this service, the contents of this content, usage fees, etc. in accordance with the previous section. As a general rule, learners are notified of changes that are expected to have a large impact on the learner, but individual changes may not be made for changes that are expected to have a small impact on the learner.
3. If you change the contents of this service or this content, and if you continue to use this service or this content regardless of whether you have notified the learner, it will be considered that the learner has agreed to the change .

[Chapter 3 Application, registration, cancellation of this service and contents]

Article 7 (Application for Service and Content)
1. When a learner applies for the use of this service, the registration process is performed according to the following procedure.
(1) Access the user registration screen from the designated registration reception, fill in the required items, and comply with the terms and agree to the privacy policy, and press the registration button to comply with the provisions of the terms It is assumed that the usage agreement for this service has been agreed between the learner and Akademia.
(2) Send a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address entered by the learner and click the link in the e-mail, or confirm the e-mail address of the learner by entering and sending the confirmation code described in the e-mail. The By confirming this e-mail address, the application for use is completed. If your email address is not confirmed, your application has not been completed.
(3) Consent to the use of the Service and Content will be given to learners who have applied for the above method. However, the application may not be accepted if it falls under the following items.
<1> If the learner is not a registered registrant for the group-specific application procedure
<2> When providing or providing business services or technical problems
<3> When it is determined to be inappropriate for other reasons

Article 8 (Cancellation of the Service and Content)
1. Akademia may terminate the registration and provision agreement as a learner if it is found that the learner falls under any of the following items. Akademia assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to the learner by canceling the student registration under this section.
(1) When it is judged that there is a risk of violating this agreement, or when it violates the provisions of this agreement
(2) When the registration information contains false information
(3) In addition, when it is judged that registration is not appropriate

Article 9 (Fee for using this content and billing method)
1. In order to use this content, you may need to apply for a separate contracted group. If the learner is not a registered member of a separately contracted group, the use of this content will be restricted.

Article 10 (Cancellation of this content)
1. If the learner cancels the content usage contract, it is necessary to contact the contract person in charge for the group to which the contract is made separately.

[Chapter 4 Responsibilities]

Article 11 (responsibility of this service)
1. Akademia shall endeavor to operate the Service so that learners can use the Service without any problems under normal working conditions. However, the use of the Service or the Service could not be used. We are not liable for any damage caused by learners. In addition, Akademia has a legal or legal defect (safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for specific purposes, security flaws, errors, infringement, etc.) No guarantee is made either explicitly or implicitly. Accademia is not obligated to respond to complaints or inquiries from third parties other than those based on decisions, orders, judgments, and other legal measures of administrative or judicial institutions.

Article 12 (responsibility of this content)
1. Akademia will endeavor to respond by correcting and changing the content in the event of any mistakes or defects, but is not responsible for any loss of learners related to the use of the content. Shall not. Akademia also expressly and implicitly confirms that there are no defects (reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for specific purposes, security flaws, errors, infringement, etc.) Is not guaranteed. Accademia is not obligated to respond to complaints or inquiries from third parties other than those based on decisions, orders, judgments, and other legal measures of administrative or judicial institutions.

Article 13 (Responsibility for third party rights infringement)
1. If it becomes clear that the Service and the Content may infringe the rights of a third party, Akademia may select the measures set forth in the following items. In this case, the learner shall follow this.
(1) After confirming whether or not the infringement has occurred, provide this service to learners as before.
(2) We will replace the parts subject to infringement with equivalent substitutes at our discretion, and provide services and contents equivalent to this service and this content.
(3) Suspend the use of the parts subject to infringement by learners.
(4) Obtain usage rights from a third party with such rights and continue to provide the Service and Content.
2. Akademia meets all of the following requirements regarding infringement disputes relating to such rights raised against learners based on the allegation that the Services or Content infringes on the intellectual property rights of third parties: In such cases, the final amount of the student's damages shall be paid up to the amount specified in Article 22.5. However, this does not apply to reasons that should be attributed to the learner's blame or in cases where the learner is negligent.
(1) Within 7 days from the date of receipt of a request from a third party claiming infringement, the learner shall notify Akademia in writing of the fact and content of such request.
(2) Recognize that the learner authorizes our participation in negotiating with the third party or performing a lawsuit and grants substantive authority to resolve the dispute.
(3) The judgment is finalized or a settlement is established with the third party.
(4) The learner fully cooperates with Akademia to resolve the dispute.

[Chapter 5 Responsibilities of Learners]

Article 14 (responsibility for managing ID / password)
1. The learner shall manage ID and password to access our site at his / her own risk, and shall not lend, transfer, buy / sell, etc. for the purpose of use by a third party. will do.
2. The learner shall be liable for damage caused by insufficient management of ID and password, errors in use, use by third parties, etc.
3. The learner shall immediately notify Akademia if an ID or password is leaked, or if it is found to be used by a third party, and follow the instructions from Akademia.

Article 15 (Notification of Change)
1. If the learner changes the contact information, e-mail address, or other information entered on the user registration screen, the learner shall promptly change it using the registration information change menu on the setting screen.

Article 16 (prohibited matters)
1. The learner must not perform the following actions. If the learner suffers damage due to the following acts, the learner shall compensate for all such damage.
(1) Acts that infringe or may infringe on the rights of Akademia and other users of this service or third parties
(2) Acts of infringing or defaming the property or privacy of Akademia and other users of this service or third parties
(3) Acts that cause or may cause disadvantage or damage to Akademia and other users or third parties of the Service
(4) Acts that interfere with the operation of this service provided by Akademia
(5) Acts that violate or may violate public order and morals, and provide information that violates public order and morals violations or information that may violate public order and morals violations to other users or third parties
(6) Other matters that Akademia deems inappropriate

[Chapter 6 Others]

Article 18 (Attribution of Intellectual Property Rights)
1. Copyright (including the rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act) related to all works (including these Terms) provided to learners by Akademia in this Service and Content All intellectual property rights such as know-how included in it belong to Akademia or other rightful owners.
2. The learner shall handle this service and this content as follows.
(1) Do not use the Service or Content for any purpose other than those specified in these Terms.
(2) Do not copy, modify, edit, etc. by any method, and do not disassemble or decompile.
(3) Do not lend, transfer, set collateral, etc. to a third party regardless of whether or not it is for profit
3. The provisions of this section are valid even after the learner has finished using the Service and Content.

Article 20 (Termination and Suspension of Contract)
1. If the learner falls under any of the following items, Akademia will notify in advance or in case of emergency, after the fact, suspend all or part of this service, It can be canceled.
(1) When a learner interferes with the operation of this service or damages the credit of Akademia
(2) If the learner has violated this rule significantly
2. Akademia will notify the learner in advance or in the event of an emergency in the event of any of the following items, and temporarily provide all or part of the Service and Content: It can be stopped.
(1) When performing maintenance or inspection work on this system regularly or urgently
(2) When a failure occurs in this system
(3) When it is difficult to provide this service or this content due to power outages, fires, earthquakes, labor disputes, or other reasons not attributable to Akademia
(4) When there is a considerable reason for the operation or technology of the previous system or other system
3. If a natural disaster or other force majeure causes all or part of the system to be lost or damaged, making the system unusable and unrecoverable, Akademia will notify the learner accordingly. You may terminate this Agreement with notice.
4. Even if this service is suspended or the usage contract is canceled under this section, Akademia shall not bear any responsibility to the learner or any other person.

Article 21 (Processing at the end of use contract)
1. When the usage contract is terminated, all data registered in the Service and Content shall be deleted at the responsibility of Akademia.

Article 22 (Damage Compensation)
1. If a learner damages Akademia due to a breach of these Terms, the learner shall be held liable for compensation for the normal direct damage suffered by Akademia.
2. If a learner causes damage to a third party through the use of this service or content, the learner shall resolve this at his / her own risk and shall not assume any responsibility for Akademia.
3. Akademia will not allow learners or any other person to learn about the consequences of using the Service, such as malfunctions or breakdowns in the System, intrusion into the System by third parties, commercial disputes, or other causes. Regardless of the liability, no responsibility is assumed.
4. Akademia, in any case, unless otherwise provided for in these Terms, damages arising from reasons that cannot be attributed to the responsibility of the Company, and damages arising from special circumstances regardless of whether or not foreseen We shall not be liable for indirect damages, consequential damages, lost profits and damages caused to intangibles such as data and programs.
5. If Akademia damages a learner due to a violation of the obligations stipulated in these Terms, the accumulated amount of compensation paid by Akademia will be 10% of the usage fee for the Service and Content ( Or, in the case of monthly usage system, the upper limit is 1 month), and only normal direct damage suffered by the learner shall be compensated.

Article 23 (Notification)
1. Notifications to learners will be made on the homepage (https://missionjapanese.net/start/) and the notification function after logging in to the app.

Article 24 (Restrictions on Transfer of Rights and Obligations)
1. The learner cannot lend, transfer or provide collateral, all or part of the rights or obligations in this Agreement to a third party without obtaining prior written consent from the Company.